Wellbeing & Resilience Coach
Samantha Grant, Wellbeing & Resilience Coach, will be offering free private consultation sessions at 100 Longwater Avenue.
Booking is essential. Each person with an appointment will not only receive the session free, but will also receive a free MP3 on stress management and 20% off their next session.
What can it help with?
Job performance, Career progression, Sports performance, OCD/over analyzing, Stress management, Public speaking, Body confidence, Anger/Resentment, Negative patterns, PTSD/Trauma, Happiness, Self esteem, Feeling stuck, Panic attacks, Assertiveness, Anxiety, Bullying, Depression, Confidence, Phobias
What will it do for me?
It will help you change your unwanted behaviours and negative beliefs. Leaving
you free to enjoy those positive feelings and achieve your goals.
How does it work?
Updating your beliefs is similar to updating the software on your computer. When
the software is up to date, it gives you the best results.
Who is it for?
It is for anyone who wants to change an aspect of their lives that is not working for
them. It is fast and effective, regardless of how long you have had your problem.
Contact Samantha direct to book your place.