Wildlife webcams (Edition 1)
You may be working remotely, but we can still bring the latest wildlife updates of Green Park to you.
Missing your lunchtime walks around the Park surrounded by wildlife? Well, we are providing you with the latest wildlife updates from all around the Park, so you don’t miss a thing!
Nesting Swan
We last updated you on the pair on nesting swans on 1st April when they were preparing to build their nest. Here you can see the swan continuing to build her nest on Longwater Lake. She has chosen a very quiet place to build her nest in the reeds.
Our Biodiversity Team discovered a duck nesting in a tree behind 200 Longwater Avenue back on 18th March. Ducklings were later seen swimming along Longwater Lake on the 17th April and we have been keeping an eye on them ever since! Here you can see the fluffy ducklings enjoying a swim in the sunshine.
Egyptian Geese
We had our first sighting of the Egyptian geese this year. Here you can see them chasing off the other birds.